Sunday, November 18, 2007

A New Cousin?

Yesterday was very fun! We got to meet a new family member. Pedro Ponchot. Shaun, Jane and Darci's new puppy. He is so cute - He looks like a toy. You may know that Hope and Micah have a very love/hate relationship with little animals. Mostly, if they are in the same room... forget about it! But they both fell in love with Pedro. Even Micah.

A couple of years ago, when Micah was very small we went to the playground across the street. There were lots of other little children there. All very comfortable with dogs. Well, there are two very nice german shepherds that live up the street. They are very well behaved and never walk on a leash. However, there are signs in our park that say dogs must be on a leash. When Hope and Micah saw the dogs coming to the playground with their owner they trembled with fear! Micah screamed at the top of his lungs, "Can't they read the signs?!!! They are supposed to be on a leash!" Micah wasn't quite 3 years old. There was lots of weeping and screaming. sigh.

Last year, in preschool a very nice family brought a little bunny to share with the classroom. It was at the end of the day so I was waiting in the hall to pick Micah up. I turned around and there was Mrs. Dozier with Micah in the air ready for me to take him. All she said was, "Bunny in the room." then rushed back to class. Needless to say, Micah was in tears terrified of the bunny.

So... we are very happy that Hope and Micah have made great progress! As you can see, Hope was quite found of the little guy.

Today was another fun day at church. I'm so excited! The River Kids Worship kids, will be singing in adult worship on December 23rd. I introduced one of the songs that we will be singing. They began picking it up lickety split. I am so proud of them. I think they are going to be GREAT! I can't wait to introduce them to the other song!

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