Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Snow Days!

Between snow days, snow delays, President's Day and yesterdays' teacher in-service, the Davis children have been in high creative mode. Hope and Micah have been pretending up a storm! The above picture is thanks to Micah's creative mind. He led the pretend play story line (he usually is the instigator - always has a story in his head.) They were playing Chinese New Year. Hence, the dragon. But, Hope told Micah that he needed to light the firecrackers. He said laughing, "What are firecrackers?"
She answered, "You know, you light them and they go boom! It's what they do on Chinese New Year."
Micah said with great enthusiasm, "Well! We better get the crackers!" meaning saltines!

Hope has been pretty hilarious too. She has decided that she wants to make a commercial when she gets older. (A public service announcement) We should change from saying "pardon me" after we sneeze to "hundred miles an hour" because she has learned that the air that comes out of your lungs when you sneeze is moving 100 miles per hour. THEN - she said that when we "toot" we should say, "hundred stinks per hour." Of course, we've decided that the air moving from a burp is significantly slower... we have not calculated that yet. We'll let you know. For now we will continue to compliment each other as when Brad was little and say, "Good one."

I'm glad to get them back to school today :)

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