Saturday, February 16, 2008

Date with Big Brother

This morning Hope was soooo excited! She was getting ready for a special date with her big brother. It all started on Wednesday night. Micah and I made plans with Hilary (my daughter-in-law) for breakfast the next day. The problem was that Hope would be at school. She was very upset. I suggested that she and I could go out for breakfast on Saturday. nope. She had no interest in that. So, I suggested she and daddy could go on a date. nope. THEN... Well, what about a date with Brad. WINNER. Her whole outlook changed immediately! So we called Brad as soon as we got home. I think he was as excited as she was.

Right now they are at Cracker Barrel ordering Bacon and Bacon with a side order of Bacon. OH - and hot chocolate too.
And Hilary went along too... that was just dandy with Hope.

Hope and Brad a quite a pair. They have a very special bond. Hilary is convinced that it is because their personalities are so similar. It's true. They are very much alike. Hope adores her big brother - if he's still she's on top of him. Here is a picture of the two of them from a couple of years ago.

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