Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Kids Singing

One of my very favorite things to do is sing with kids. I love teaching kids new songs and love the honesty in what they enjoy. So I have to admit, one of the perks of my job is singing with kids every week. The trick is finding songs that click for them... the kind of songs that they hum while riding in the car or playing in their room. We were blessed to find two such songs for Christmas. My favorite part was seeing how quickly they learned the sign language to "Emmanuel." The sign for "Emmanuel" is the same as "God with us." It was fun to actually see physically that they mean the same thing. Here are a couple of photos from when we shared these songs with our church family at River Hills.

You should note how silly I look in the first photo...
I was trying to make them smile and loosen up before we began our first song.
I was so proud of all the kids!

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